SheetXL - v0.1.84

SheetXL API References


Modules Overview

SheetXL is composed of several modules. Each module adds additional functionality and dependencies enabling a layered approach.

Modules Items marked with 💎 are part of the premium licensing.

Module Description License
@sheet/sheet-mui A fully functional application that can be easily embedded and/or extended using Material-UI and React. MIT
@sheet/sheet-react React spreadsheet components. Commercial
@sheet/io Head-less library for importing and exporting into SheetXL file format MIT
@sheet/grid A react data grid that provides basic grid capabilities. Commercial
@sheet/common-mui A set of mui-based components that may be used in any application setting. (e.g. color picker). MIT
@sheet/models Head-less library for interacting with a spreadsheet. Commercial
@sheet/common-react A set of react-base components may be used in any application setting. (e.g. floating panel, keystroke management). MIT
@sheet/common A set of headless utilities may be used in any application setting. MIT