Enumeration TextAutofit

How the text should fit within the shape.

Enumeration Members

Enumeration Members

None: "none"

Specifies that text within the text body should not be auto-fit to the bounding box. Auto-fitting is when text within a text box is scaled in order to remain inside the text box.

Normal: "normal"

Specifies that text within the text body should be normally auto-fit to the bounding box. AutoFitting is when text within a text box is scaled in order to remain inside the text box.

Example: Consider the situation where a user is building a diagram and needs to have the text for each shape that they are using stay within the bounds of the shape. An easy way this might be done is by using NORMAL autofit

Shape: "shape"

Specifies that a shape should be auto-fit to fully contain the text described within it. Auto-fitting is when text within a shape is scaled in order to contain all the text inside.

Example: Consider the situation where a user is building a diagram and needs to have the text for each shape that they are using stay within the bounds of the shape. An easy way this might be done is by using SHAPE autofit