Interface BorderRenderProps

interface BorderRenderProps {
    cellLayout?: CellLayout;
    darkMode: boolean;
    forceThinBorder?: boolean;
    intersections?: [{
        range: CellRangeCoords;
        stroke: BorderStroke;
    isVertical?: boolean;
    key: string;
    points: number[];
    range: CellRangeCoords;
    shiftIfWide?: boolean;
    stroke: BorderStroke;


cellLayout?: CellLayout

Used for generating corners for wide borders. If not provided then borders will simply overlap.

darkMode: boolean
forceThinBorder?: boolean

Hint to tell render that we are rendering a small small

intersections?: [{
    range: CellRangeCoords;
    stroke: BorderStroke;

Used for generating corners for wide borders. If not provided then borders will simply overlap.

Type declaration

isVertical?: boolean

Int Hint to tell the border the direction that it is rendering

key: string
points: number[]
shiftIfWide?: boolean

Shift the borders if greater than 2 width

stroke: BorderStroke