anchor: Partial<CellCoords>Clears the last selection
Clear all current ranges. Leaves the anchor intact
cursorPreferred global cursor if set
Returns a boolean indicating if the entire range is selected
Modify selection. If the coordsPivot is not provided than the current anchor will be used.
coordsPivot: CellCoordsOptional
navigateNavigate left/right/up/down
select: booleanOptional
contentFul: booleanOptional
incrementAmount: numberUse instead of contentful. Allows for navigating distances (useful for pageUp/pageDown)
Navigate with the selections (unless there is no active selection)
Use this to invoke a new selection. All old selections will be cleared
coordsEnd: Partial<CellCoords>Optional
anchor: Partial<CellCoords>Handler for pointerdown, use to set activeCoords
Array of functions that return components to overlay // TODO - make this a function that takes props and received onMouse, onKeyboard (we can then make selection overlays a function that doesn't rerender the table (or sheet on move))
Set the currently active cell
shouldScroll: booleanUse this to update selections without clearing old selection.
Add a new selection