Not rendered by Excel or SheetXL.
This can be set as a string using html values such as 'Arial 11pt' but will be resolved to a single font. Fallbacks and fontSize will be marshalled into their correct property.
A list of fonts and their fallbacks. These can also be provided in the fontFamily attribute but will be normalized to here.
The text color.
Currently only solid fill is supported but this will be expanded to allow all fill types similar to DrawML. TODO - allow this to be any fill style like DrawML
Adds or removes additional spacing between the characters.
The effect draws the text as an outline.
Not rendered by Excel or SheetXL.
Defines the font scheme to use.
The effect draws a shadow around the text.
Not rendered by Excel or SheetXL.
Font size is either a number in points or a string that can be converted such as '14px', '1.5em'.
The effect draws the text with a line through it.
Sets the underline style. If true defaults to single. If false or null defaults to none.
If the VerticalTextAlign is superscript or subscript then the font size should also render smaller.
The weight of the characters.
700 or above is considered bold.
The effect extends or stretches out the text.